Interrelation Between Mental and Physical Health

Afjal Hossain
5 min readNov 8, 2021


When we raise our voices regarding health issues, people constantly talk about physical health. But somehow we deny our mental health. As you see, mental health is a taboo in our society. People don’t feel comfortable talking about it, where we should focus on both mental and physical issues in equal measure. Most people think that the body and mind are different subsistences. That’s why they only focus on their physical health and disregard their mental issues. To overlook day by day we humans are becoming weak and unhealthy.

At least we should understand that when we are affected by physical issues, it also affects our mental health. In the same way, when we are affected by mental issues, it also affects our physical health. Let’s narrate below how both physical and mental issues affect each other.

How does mental and physical health affect each other?

  • In our daily conversation, men talk about stress. For that, stress seems to be our part of life. But stress is creating immense health issues in our body and mind. For instance; Hormonal disbalance, Weak immune system, Sleep problems, Changes in the brain, Hurts the heart, Turning hair white. These illnesses destroy us silently.
  • Technically depression is a mental disorder but it also harms your physical well-being. You can observe the reason for depression, behavioural changes happen. Apart from that change, you can see lots of issues happen. These are Chronic fatigue, Heart attack, Suicide prevention, Lower interest in sex, Decreased appetite, Weight gain or loss, trouble sleeping, Gastrointestinal problems etc.
  • According to UK research, 668 injured adults were observed at one, two, four and 12 months post-injury to define how many patients suffered from depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. The research found that the higher levels of depression increased levels of pain at one month and after staying in hospital for 12 months it recovered significantly.
  • Somehow everyone has disease around us, this is why we’re accustomed to it. But when we are affected by chronic disease then we get into depression. Because chronic disease connects with money, time and pain.

How do we diminish mental and physical health issues?

  • Exercise

Staying active, at least 30 minutes you should do exercise every day. You don’t need to go GYM for exercise, rather you can pick whatever physical activities that you enjoy. For instance, you can play, go to the Bazaar and shop, skip the elevator lift. Through exercise, you can also diminish anxiety, depression, and negative mood.

  • Right Nutrition and Diet

There is a phrase that “what you are is what you eat”. Food is the most inevitable part of our life. But somehow we neglect it. Food doesn’t only affect body health rather mental health also, this is why you should choose the right nutrition and diet. Eating nutritious foods not only builds a well-shaped body but also strengthens you mentally.

  • Enough Sleep

Where sleep is a fundamental part of your life there your physical and mental health also depends on how sleepy you are. Without enough sleep, you can feel irritated during the day and its effect on your daily activities. According to Harvard Health Publishing, 50 to 80 percent of patients are mentally affected by a chronic sleep problem, compared with 10% to 18% of adults in the U.S. citizens. So 6 to 8 hours of deep sleep can reduce our mental and physical health issues.

  • Quit smoking and drinking

According to Dr Stanley Chia, 4,000 harmful chemicals are in one Cigarette. Unfortunately in present society smoking and drinking have become normal things. Especially when we celebrate any occasion or party we do it. But have we thought that for smoking and drinking we are facing lots of diseases? And for that disease, we also suffer mentally. For example, damage to the heart & liver, bad effects on the Brain, and several types of cancer. If we want to get rid of all these diseases, we have to quit smoking and drinking. Otherwise, there is no option.

  • Socialisation

Human beings are entities of the society. We create a society for convenience in our life. But in the technological era, we can’t interact with ourselves satisfactorily. For that, we’re facing a new mental challenge. If we can grow our physical interaction then that’s great. But if we can’t do it then at least we should continue our conversation with someone through digital devices whatever we have.


End of the day we all want to be happy. To be happy we need to be enlightened about mental and physical health because both are interconnected. Being healthy is the first priority to get happiness. We can earn huge money and buy anything but we can’t buy health. For a continued healthy life, we have to maintain some rules which we discussed.



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